Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez – Part 2 – Explorando la Pasión del Teatro

   Episode Notes En esta segunda parte de la entrevista con Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez, seguimos explorando la pasión y profundidad del teatro junto a esta aclamada actriz. Descubre sus valiosas reflexiones sobre la importancia de la vocación, la preparación académica y la atención al detalle en la carrera de un actor. Además, conoce sus […]

Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez – Part 1 – El Arte y la Mente: 50 Años en Escena.

   Episode Notes En este inspirador episodio de “La Pizarra”, Nicky Mondellini celebra los 50 años de carrera artística de la destacada actriz, directora y maestra de actuación, Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez. Descubre las experiencias que han marcado su trayectoria en teatro, cine y televisión, y cómo el mindfulness y la bioenergética han enriquecido su […]

Sam Malone – Managing the Mic – Insights and Adventures in Media- Part 2

   Episode Notes In this second part of Nicky Mondellini’s interview with media veteran Sam Malone, delve deeper into the world of media management, memorable experiences, and the evolution from radio personality to media mogul. In This Episode: Mic Management Tales: Strategies for handling dominant guests during interviews. Presidential Inaugurations: Sam shares firsthand experiences […]

Sam Malone – Unlock the Secrets of Successful Broadcasting- Part 1

   Episode Notes Join us for an electrifying episode of La Pizarra as we dive into the dynamic world of broadcasting with none other than Sam Malone, a trailblazer in the radio industry and CEO of 512 New Media. Get ready to be captivated by Sam’s remarkable journey from finance whiz to radio icon […]

Cliff Zellman – How to be the Voice of a Car commercial Part 2

   Episode Notes In this second part of the interview with coach, audio engineer and demo producer Cliff Zellman, we discuss important information on how to stand out in automotive commercials as a voiceover talent, including voice overs in Spanish, with all the particular characteristics the genre itself needs and the specifications of both […]

Cliff Zellman – How to be the Voice of a Car commercial Part 1

   Episode Notes Welcome to a new season of La Pizarra! We are launching season 9 with a phenomenal coach, director, audio engineer,  demo producer, and Director of Talent Development for ACM–in their Automotive Division, Cliff Zellman. In part one of this interview, Cliff shares all the key details about the three tiers of […]